Dr. Yair Shapira is the founder and CEO of Amplio. Following two decades as an executive in successful start ups, he founded Amplio to help the millions of children with special needs maximize their potential, starting with his son, who stutters. His previous roles include executive positions in sales, marketing, business development and R&D. Dr. Shapira holds a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering and speech processing from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.
Luann L. Purcell, Ed.D. was the Executive Director of the international Council of Administrators of Special Education, Inc (CASE), a division of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) for 18 years. Dr. Purcell has 48 years of educational experience, as a general education teacher at both high school and middle school level, teacher of students with emotional and behavioral disorders, and assistant superintendent for pupil services for 18 years in a school district with 27,000 students.
Judy Rich, EdD, CCC-SLP, is currently a speech-language pathologist (SLP) as well as an education consultant and lecturer at The University of Texas. She worked in public schools for 35 years as a campus SLP, program specialist for speech and language services, special education director, executive director, and assistant superintendent for student services.
Angelica Morgan was most recently a Senior Curriculum Engineer at 2U and a research intern at CAST, the Center for Applied Special Technology working on the Center on Inclusive Technology in Education Systems (CITES) project. She will received her Ph.D in learning design and technology from North Carolina State University in December with a research focus on the use of technology for special education students.