ADHD entrepreneurs face a specific set of challenges, and I know exactly what it takes to run a successful business with a distracted brain. Spoiler: It doesn't take being consistent! I've created a mastermind group for established ADHD entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses without being shamed for how their brain works.
You'll learn how to make your business more ADHD-friendly so that your brain and your biz are not constantly in a fight.
You'll learn how to set boundaries and protect the ebb and flow of your energy so that you can follow your calendar and work muuuuuch more efficiently.
You'll learn how to lead your team even though you're the messiest person in the room.
And, you'll learn that you're not alone. Entrepreneurship is isolating. ADHD entrepreneurship can be excruciating. This mastermind is the antidote.
We're going to get rolling with or without you, but I would LOVE for you to be a part. Click here to apply.