Have you ever wondered about the movie collections of the nine Horror Avengers? No? Well, Count Mackula sure has! He thinks about such things all the time! Hence, we are introducing a special, limited series about collectors and their collections, brought to you from the monstrous mind of Mackula! In this episode of The Collectors, Mack takes the time to spotlight the collecting habits — especially pertaining to movie collections — of Dr. Walking Dead Kyle Bishop and then Jay of the Dead! This is just Part 1, so there are more installments to come where Mackula interviews each of the Horror Avengers! Join us!
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Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies is an audio podcast. Our nine experienced Horror hosts review new Horror movies and deliver specialty Horror segments. Your hosts are Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson, Dr. Walking Dead, GregaMortis, Mackula, Ron Martin and Dave Zee! Due to the large number and busy schedule of its nine Horror hosts, Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies will be recorded in segments, piecemeal, at various times and recording sessions. Therefore, as you listen to our episodes, you will notice a variety of revolving door hosts and segments, all sewn together and reanimated like the powerful Monster of Dr. Frankenstein!