Alas, we have reached 100 episodes, and here there be Monsters! Settle in because this particular episode is a doozy! It has a runtime of about 7 hours, 46 minutes. And it is nothing less than a celebration of Horror and the communion of good friends. Welcome to Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies! Here in this episode, you get to hear from all nine Horror Avengers! We bring you reviews of brand-new Horror movie releases, including The First Omen (2024), Late Night With the Devil (2024), Immaculate (2024), Abigail (2024), Humane (2024) and Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024)! We also bring you some Specialty Segments — including a new one about — you guessed it — PIG-HEADED HORROR! We are also very please to welcome special guests, The Twisted Temptress, Spawn of the Dead, Grisly Gus, Ra-Ghoul, Karl Huddleston and a Guy Named Andy the Butcher! It’s fun! Join us!
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Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies is an audio podcast. Our nine experienced Horror hosts review new Horror movies and deliver specialty Horror segments. Your hosts are Jay of the Dead, Dr. Shock, Gillman Joel, Mister Watson, Dr. Walking Dead, GregaMortis, Mackula, Ron Martin and Dave Zee! Due to the large number and busy schedule of its nine Horror hosts, Jay of the Dead’s New Horror Movies will be recorded in segments, piecemeal, at various times and recording sessions. Therefore, as you listen to our episodes, you will notice a variety of revolving door hosts and segments, all sewn together and reanimated like the powerful Monster of Dr. Frankenstein!