We review the Mothership RPG adventure scenario, “Moonbase Blues”. Most of this episode is player-friendly--we will give spoiler alerts where needed. Would you like to run this or will you ask your GM to run this?
“Moonbase Blues” is an adventure scenario written by Ian Yusem (aka Anodyne Printware) for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG published by Tuesday Knight Games. It can be purchased at this DriveThruRPG link [affiliate link]. Using our affiliate link helps the show via commission, without any downsides to you--please consider it! Visit https://www.mothershiprpg.com/ or the Mothership DriveThruRPG.com page [affiliate link] for more info on Mothership, "Moonbase Blues", and other Mothership material.
!! Our first Mothership RPG adventure is being published !!
Check out the cinematic trailer for “What Stirs Below”, an adventure scenario written by me, the Escape Vector, for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG published by Tuesday Knight Games. Spider00x (known best for RANE IN BLOOD, MIAMI LASER CUTTER MASSACRE, and more) contributed graphic design and some art.
> Visit and follow the Escape Vector DriveThruRPG page [affiliate link] for "What Stirs Below" and future Escape Vector publications.
>Visit https://www.mothershiprpg.com/ or the Mothership DriveThruRPG.com page [affiliate link] for more Mothership.
++ Music from Epidemic Sound, by Marten Moses. Sign up and try a subscription with our Epidemic Sound affiliate link to help the show!
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