The current Chancellor, General Kurt von Schleicher, and the previous, Franz von Papen, are both determined to unseat each other – once allies, they are now sworn enemies, plotting in corridors. President Hindenburg would rather see von Papen restored to the post but, like von Schleicher, he cannot form a governing majority. Meanwhile the President’s son, Oskar, once a close friend of von Schleicher, starts to see a way through...and it involves the Nazi Party.
Starring Derek Jacobi as President Hindenburg, Jack Laskey as Oskar von Hindenburg, Tom Mothersdale as Adolf Hitler and featuring Aditomiwa Edun as Sefton Delmer.
Cast: President Hindenburg - DEREK JACOBI Oskar von Hindenburg - JACK LASKEY Adolf Hitler - TOM MOTHERSDALE Sefton Delmer - ADITOMIWA EDUN Gregor Strasser - JOSEPH ALESSI Heinrich Himmler - OSCAR BATTERHAM Otto Meissner - EDWARD BENNETT Franz von Papen - WILLIAM CHUBB Putzi Hanfastaengl - COREY JOHNSON Herman Göring - SCOTT KARIM Rudolf Hess - GEORGE KEMP Joachim von Ribbentrop - MICHAEL MALONEY Magda Goebbels - SHANAYA RAFAAT Joseph Goebbels - ALEXANDER VLAHOS Kurt von Schleicher - ANDREW WOODALL The Narrator is JULIET STEVENSON
Sound designer – ADAM WOODHAMS Studio Manager – MARK SMITH Casting Director – GINNY SCHILLER Original Score – METAPHOR MUSIC Writer and Director – JONATHAN MYERSON Producer – NICHOLAS NEWTON
A Promenade Production for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds