Jim Taszarek, President and Co-Founder of Market Enginuity, joins us this week to unveil the secrets to growing revenue and strengthening processes.
Join us as Jim shares his invaluable insights, taking us through the dynamic world of audio and the pivotal role of effective processes. CEOs, get ready to make processes your secret weapon for unstoppable scalability.
This episode is a powerhouse of strategies and insights that have propelled Market Enginuity to the top of the industry. Tune in now and ignite the revolution in your business.
[09:30] Broadcasting evolution: Debunking the myth of dying audio.
[11:40] From Phoenix to success: How Market Enginuity grew and thrived.
[12:59] Harnessing the power of processes.
[16:06] Overcoming challenges and maximizing efficiency through technology.
[17:43] The CEO's dilemma: Embracing processes for organizational success.
[23:24] The risk of neglecting processes.
[27:56] Unlocking the value of processes in service-based industries.
[33:09] How Market Enginuity utilizes processes for long-term success.
Jim Taszarek is the President and Co-Founder of Market Enginuity, leading the largest public media sponsorship sales force in the U.S. With 22+ years of experience, he excels in analyzing corporate sponsorship performance and developing strategic plans to maximize revenue. Jim actively contributes to industry associations and has showcased his expertise in corporate sponsorship sales sessions. He holds an MBA from the University of Southern California and resides in Phoenix, AZ.
If you enjoyed hearing from Jim Taszarek on our podcast and want to stay connected with him, be sure to follow him on his social media channels! You can find him on:
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