Without a post-sale process, businesses run the risk of losing clients. But if you have a well-defined and well-executed process, you can not only satisfy your customers but also build long-term loyalty.
Processes play a vital role in creating a positive customer experience. By implementing processes, businesses can ensure consistent levels of service, which helps build trust and loyalty among customers. This can lead to repeat business and positive reviews! Who doesn't want that, right?
Join us as we chat about the importance of using processes as a game-changer for businesses to keep customers coming back. Our guest, Jim Manley, CEO and Director of Manley Creative, will share his experience with processes and highlight the significance of connecting with people and nurturing customer relationships. So kick back, relax, and discover more about the power of processes in keeping customers happy and coming back for more!
[02:53] The Importance of Post-Sale Processes.
[09:19] How Do You Show Your Customers That You Care?
[17:55] How Processes Benefit Companies.
[24:17] Why Should You Start Using Processes?
[32:53] What's the Next Step for Manley Creative?
[36:56] Final Piece of Advice from Jim.
Jim is an award winning director and CEO of Manley Creative. He has been creating videos for nearly 30 years and has won 28 Rocky Mountain Emmys and 2 worldwide film festival awards. In addition to being a Dad of 3 boys, Jim is also an educator, a Phoenix Theatre Company board member, a member of the Suns Charities 88 philanthropy group and an advisory board member for the Phoenix Film Foundation.
If you enjoyed hearing from Jim Manley on our podcast and want to stay connected with him, be sure to follow him on his social media channels! You can find him on:
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