For our guest, Andrew Horn, all we need to build solid relationships is confidence, create connections, and have clear communication.
In addition to being the Founder and CEO of Tribute, a video maker for special occasions, Andrew also trains organizations and leaders around the globe on Social Flow - a simple, science-informed framework for confidence, communication, and connection.
In this episode, we will talk about the four-question framework to create confidence, clear communication, and connection. Also, we will dive into the meaning of purpose and calling, internal belonging, and transpersonal meditation.
[05:40] The difference between art and fine art.
[09:00] The power of digital communication.
[11:10] Purpose and calling vs. connection and communication.
[15:00] What role does inclusiveness play in internal belonging?
[21:40] How to build solid relationships?
[26:22] The four pillars of awareness.
[45:56] The 4-question framework.
[53:10] Where to find Andrew.
Andrew is the Founder and CEO of (INC500 #256) and has been coined the “Dale Carnegie for the Digital Age” by Forbes. In addition to building companies, Andrew trains organizations and leaders around the globe on Social Flow - a simple, science-informed framework for confidence, communication and connection.
If you enjoyed hearing from Andrew on our podcast and want to stay connected with him, be sure to follow him on his social media channels! You can find him on:
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