Ever heard of “culture processes”? We have an expert here today to tell you all about how you can standardize them to support your company. Arnie Malham is an international speaker who has spoken to more than 10,000 executives, CEOs, and entrepreneurs worldwide on the topic of culture and team member engagement, and has also been featured in leading media such as CBS and Forbes.
With more than 20 years as a successful entrepreneur, Arnie has implemented simple, yet effective methods to create remarkable and sustainable cultures. He is the founder and CEO of BetterBookClub, where he helps companies, leaders and individuals build a strong culture that both attracts the best people and rewards those who seek personal growth within the organization. In today’s episode, we discuss the importance of company culture, the genesis of his company BetterBookClub, his predictions on the future of culture and more!
Time Stamps:
(0:50) Our Guest Arnie
(2:24) Why Arnie Does What He Does
(7:00) Before and After Enacting Culture
(13:18) BetterBookClub
(19:18) Employee Experience Investment
(28:15) Predictions of Culture
(30:40) Grow Your Employees, Grow Your Business
(35:16) Magic Wand on Culture
(40:33) Arnie’s Guilty Pleasure
(41:15) Where to Find Arnie
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