In this week’s episode, we dive into why all the species that roam this planet are more interconnected than you think and what we can learn and adopt from observing other species' habits and interactions. My guest today is Dr. Tamsin Woolley-Barker, an evolutionary anthropologist known for her original research on baboon social structure and evolution – primates with origins and social dynamics not too different from our own. Dr. Tamsin is a sought-after speaker, educator and consultant who works with innovative companies like Cisco to imagine work that works for human beings, while helping entrepreneurs, leaders and agents of change discover the power of Teeming for affecting transformation. She is also the author of TEEMING: How Nature’s Oldest Teams Adapt and Thrive, regarded as the definitive work on Organizational Biomimicry.
Time Stamps:
(2:00) What Tamsin Does
(8:30) Cisco Example
(12:55) Gender in Nature
(25:30) Examining American Culture
(28:48) Competition vs. Cooperation
(38:40) Endangered Generation Documentary
Follow Tamsin on Instagram - @teeminnovation