Our health is a foundational pillar to our success but as we learn more about the body and mind, we now know there’s so much more to health than just diet and exercise. A rising field in the health space is holistic health and our guest today is one of the leaders in this specific niche. Dr. Nikki Siso is a PhD in Holistic Health and Nutrition and in her studies, she realized that it's an individual’s mental state that determines behavior change. She helps guide entrepreneurs to overcome their limiting beliefs and step into their highest potential in order to create massive impact.
Time Stamps:
(1:05) Who is Nikki?
(5:39) Holistic Health
(7:16) Toxicity
(14:45) Finding Happiness through Service
(21:12) Holotropic Breathwork
(25:30) Hilary’s Experience with Breathwork
(30:06) Loving Specifics
(38:21) Dr. Nikki’s Guilty Pleasure
(39:24) What Hilary Would Say to Her Younger Self