Just about every communications professional has dealt with a PR crisis–and when they happen in today’s fast-past media world, the response needs to be faster and more well thought-out than ever. In this episode of Just Checking In, crisis-comms expert Amanda Duckworth, now an SVP focused on corporate reputation at Outcast Communications, talks about the “perfect storm” that has developed in the technology world that is leading to many PR crises, especially for the tech giants–and how many supposed PR crises are, at their heart, business problems that can’t be solved by PR alone. Amanda discusses the difference between a PR issue and a crisis; how emerging technology companies should plan for public blowups; and the importance of CEOs getting counsel from those outside their immediate orbit so they respond to crises, and protect their companies’ reputations, in the right way. Join us for a high-level and actionable conversation with concrete tips for how PR pros can manage crises better and more proactively.
Join technology comms pros Becky Buckman and Keyana Corliss as they cut to the heart of today’s tech-news cycle and the general craziness that is high-tech corporate communications right now. With a short, not-too-serious take on the industry - with plenty of humor and irony thrown in - they’ll bring you the best in the biz, across comms and media together, for one-of-a-kind insights and perspectives you won’t hear anywhere else!
Jump straight into:
(01:04) - Teasing Rachel Lerman on Just Checking In - “So we’re going to have Rachel Lerman of The Washington Post, who is amazing.”
(01:39) - Introducing Amanada Duckworth - “We’re talking about Amanda Duckworth who is a longtime crisis and reputation management counselor.”
(02:52) - A brief tease to the topics covered in this interview - “We talk a lot about reputation management at large companies, you know, the big five tech companies, which are under the microscope in a lot of ways in Washington these days.”
(05:22) - Amanda’s philosophy on crisis comms: How should companies be approaching it? - “Reputation management is really a sort of holistic wheel in which a crisis is sandwiched.”
(07:37) - Unraveling the common belief that all press is good press through an interesting Airbnb case - “This all happened in the July of 2011 and in August, the following month, they had the best month ever in terms of bookings.”
(13:55) - Having a seat at the table: The need for PR strategy understanding among high-level executives - “Increasingly boards understand one of the key functions of a CEO is to be chief messenger, particularly in a crisis.”
(20:54) - The limits of ‘fake it til you make it’ and why the current environment of tech is always on the edge of crisis - “I was talking to someone the other day who described boards for private companies as sort of board meetings is performance art. Well, it shouldn't be performance art.”
(23:30) - What can big tech companies do to improve their message around the social issues they’re involved in? - “Do something proactively that's really meaningful or legislation is coming your way and you probably won't like it.”
(25:08) - Crisis management advice for startups and growing tech companies - “I can’t tell you, typically in early stage companies, the number of times I've been involved where no one knows actually who should be at the table making decisions.”
(33:17) - On political issues becoming corporate issues and what you shouldn’t do in a Therano’s type crisis - “That feels to me like a classic case...