Are there wild cats roaming around where you live? We have seen bobcats on our farm and some neighbors once saw a mountain lion. These sneaky creatures don't necessarily like to be seen by humans, though, as they wander through various habitats in North America looking for food, water, mates, and places to take shelter.
In the episode, learn which big and small wild cats live in North America. Have fun thinking about cats through the lens of adjectives, too!
Supplies for the nature study challenge:
For show notes and episode downloads, go to ← Find images of wild cats here!
In the companion Wild Cat Video Lesson found in the No Sweat Nature Study LIVE membership, you'll learn so much more about six species of North American wild cats. As you create a beautiful habitat science, learn about the geography, habitats, behaviors, and adaptations of these sometimes cute, but fierce creatures.
Join No Sweat Nature Study LIVE at Use the code NOSWEAT for 50% off your first month of a monthly membership.
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In the Our Journey Westward Shop, find a few homeschool curriculum guides that are helpful to continue learning night science through nature study:
Get this season's Podcast Plus+ Packet for free! Scroll to the bottom of the wild cats show notes page. The packet includes this season's podcast schedule, reference pages to the Handbook of Nature Study, supporting curriculum suggestions, and a list of go-along classes in the No Sweat Nature Study video library.
Leave Mrs. Cindy a voice message to answer the current season's question! Scroll to the bottom of the wild cats show notes page.
Share pictures of your nature walk pages on Instagram or Facebook. Be sure to tag @OurJourneyWestward so Mrs. Cindy will see them!
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