(We’re in audio only today, as several of you requested — but let us know in the comments if you’d rather we return to video.)
This week, the Colorado Supreme Court decided that under Article 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution (which bars anyone from holding office if they’ve previously sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution and participated in an insurrection against the United States), Donald Trump should not appear on the ballot in Colorado.
Maine’s secretary of state is now pondering whether to allow Trump on Maine’s ballot, for the same reason.
Trump is appealing the Colorado decision to the Supreme Court. In the event that the Supreme Court affirms the decision (unlikely, in my view), the court could strike him from the ballots of all 50 states.
So … what will and what should the Supreme Court do?
It’s among the questions Heather and I discuss on this morning’s klatch.
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