This podcast provides 12 tips that sellers should follow when selling their business. If you wish to learn more about the middle market M&A world or listen to my other podcasts please connect with me over linked-in or email me at and I’d be happy to share with you the URL for my other podcasts.
1. Understand Why You Are Selling – Get an assessment done beforehand.
2. Keep the Sale of Your Company to Yourself – Avoid business disruption.
3. Retain an Expert to Help with the Sale – Your advisor is your face to the market.
4. List Your Company on an Exclusive Basis – Incentivize your advisor to work for you.
5. Be Transparent Upfront to Avoid Bad Surprises – Bad surprises derail deals.
6. Create a Market for Your Company – A competitive bidding process is necessary for value discovery.
7. Be Realistic – Do not overprice your company, it will drive away buyers.
8. Stay Focused on Your Business – Do what you do best.
9. Screen Buyers Carefully – Know who you just talked to.
10. Consider the First Offer Very Carefully – All offers are welcome.
11. Remain Flexible – Negotiate higher values through deal structure.
12. Trust Your Gut – It must feel right to you.