We are re-releasing our binge-watching episode because let's face it, we are binging a lot of things right now: food, movies, shows. The list goes on. Let us know what your favorite show to binge is.
In this episode of There are Lots of Things, April and Maddie discuss binge-watching TV, and boy howdy do they seem to have binged a lot of TV in their relatively short lives. I mean, wow.
Also on the table for discussion: the most accurate depiction of the medical profession on TV; the two shows that April watches at least once a year if not more; and the character who has more websites than Mickey Mouse.
This week’s trivia question: “When did the modern job interview process begin?” Please answer in the form of a question.
Make sure to follow us on Facebook and on Instagram for updates and trivia. Plus, tune in next week—new episodes drop every Tuesday!
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Music for There are Lots of Things by purple-planet.com
Artwork for There are Lots of Things by Joseph Clagg