In this episode of There are Lots of Things, April and Maddie talk about Kentucky's most famous sodie pop, Ale-8! Spoiler alert, it's *real* good.
Also on the table for discussion: a brief history of Ale-8, a taste test of Ale-8 varieties (we are *quite* good at tastings), and a look at the most popular sodas by state. What's your favorite soda?
Mentioned in this episode:
Best Soft Drink in Every State
This week's trivia question: There are more BARRELS OF THIS STUFF in Kentucky than there are actual HUMAN BEINGS in Kentucky. Please answer in the form of a question.
Make sure to follow us on Facebook and on Instagram for updates and trivia. Plus, tune in next week—new episodes drop every Tuesday! If you love There Are Lots of Things, please rate and review us on iTunes, or wherever you listen to your podcasts <3
Music for There are Lots of Things by
Artwork for There are Lots of Things by Joseph Clagg