Patrick Nolan is an authorized ashtanga yoga teacher living in Miami Springs in the USA. He is the father to three year old Joaquin, with his partner Nubia.
Patrick started his yoga journey at Miami Life Centre, with well known ashtanga yoga teachers Kino MacGregor, Tim Feldmann and Greg Nardi, before leaving to start his own Mysore program.
After Patrick married his partner, Nubia, they wanted to start a family, however this became a prolonged journey. Patrick shares the heartache they felt each cycle, when this did not happen.
When their son was born, Nubia returned to her career, and Patrick was the primary care giver. He shares how isolating and monotonous he found being the stay at home parent, exacerbated by his partner having to travel for work and being away.
Patrick's story is heartfelt, honest and real. It is also refreshing to hear parenthood from a fathers perspective. To connect with Patrick, you can find him here: