David Wallace-Wells is back on the podcast to talk about the extreme heat waves, off-the-charts ocean temperatures, massive wildfires, and other climate-worsened disasters that have plagued the first seven months of 2023. The New York Times columnist and author of the 2019 book "The Uninhabitable Earth" returns to The Climate Pod to discuss what has happened since he was on the show back in 2021 and what we should expect in the near future from a rapidly warming planet. We also discuss how climate alarmism has been treated in 2023 and how best to convey uncertainty in climate risks.
Check out David's recent columns in the New York Times:
A Grim Climate Lesson from the Canadian Wildfires
Even in Texas, You Can't Stop the Green Revolution
As Smoke Darkens the Sky, the Future Becomes Clear
The Ocean is Looking More Menacing
Further Reading:
Gulf Stream Could Collapse as Early as 2025, Study Says
Inside the Republican Plot to Dismantle US Environmental Policy
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