Building a Heart-centred Business Starts Grows from the Inside Out...
What does it look like to build a business from a place of love? What would happen if you stayed curious about your relationship with consistency as it relates to your heart-centred marketing strategies and creating a sustainable business you love?
What would it feel like to embrace the cheese inside you?
Ha! Ok that last one may have been a hilarious-yet-unintentionally-awkward quote from Sydney and we're here for it!
Listen in as Sydney and I unpack what it REALLY means to be consistent in your business and why reframing the way we think about what consistency means on a personal level might be the key to you unlocking your inner knowing and trusting your gut as you create a magical business you adore!
Just a Few of the Magical Tidbits Sydney Shared in This Episode...
"Life isn't consistent. Expecting this machine-like work ethic is not honouring our humanity and who we can be. It doesn't honour the richness of answers that come from stopping and taking a moment to pause and not be consistent." - Sydney Fletcher
Check Out All the Goodies We Talked About...
👉 Workshop Replay: I Don't Know Isn't an Answer
👉 Blog: 15 Ways to Set Business Goals this Month that Inspire and Delight You
👉 Podcast: 15 Year-End Questions to Ask Before Settin
💌 Get Lindsay's Ick-Free Sales Scripts!
📺 Save your seat for Shop Talks on YouTube
About Lindsay
Lindsay Johnson, aka The Radical Connector, is a sales & visibility coach for misfit entrepreneurs building their business to the beat of their own drum and radical enough to believe they can change the world!
Lindsay’s passion for showing entrepreneurs how to use entrepreneurship as a tool to liberate themselves and others from systems of oppression and lead an impactful life shines through in everything they do.
After 20+ years of teaching entrepreneurs how to make money in a way that feels good, Lindsay’s message is clear: you matter, the work you do is important, and we need you to make excellent money so you can change the freaking world!
Connect with Lindsay
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