Listen Again from July 9, 2019: A teacher's perspective on curriculum implementation is invaluable... and today, we have not ONE, but TWO teacher perspectives on Wit & Wisdom year one implementation! Kyair and Katie are funny, smart, and have incredible learner-mindsets. They discuss the engagement of their students in texts and tasks, how Wit & Wisdom provides equity and opportunity, and their thoughts on teaching with an integrated (not isolated) curricula - a shift in mindset from the way "school was done" previously. Look out for some cheesy dad jokes along the way (thanks, Kyair), and so much insight and inspiration from these two incredible educators!
Connect with Kyair on Twitter @Kyairb
Connect with Katie on Twitter @Kstoryscotti
TNTP's The Opportunity Myth
The Wrong Way to Teach Grammar - Michelle Navarre Cleary
We answer your questions about teaching reading in The Literacy 50-A Q&A Handbook for Teachers: Real-World Answers to Questions About Reading That Keep You Up at Night.
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