Dr. Robb Kelly, PhD is a world-renowned addiction expert with over 20 years' experience working with addicts as well as personally recovering from alcoholism. His approach based on extensive research and behavioral studies focuses on healing trauma and rewiring how the brain thinks.
Show Notes:
Why can alcoholics NOT say no to alcohol? What makes alcoholics different than other addicts? Today I welcome leading addiction specialist Dr. Robb Kelly, Phd to the podcast. In this episode Dr. Robb Kelly shares how an alcoholic's brain is different even BEFORE he or she ever even takes a sip of alcohol. Dr. Robb vulnerably shares his history with alcoholism and how he found the path to recovery. Listen to this episode now to get the encouragement you need to ask for help and inspiration for a better future.
In This Episode, You'll Learn:
Find More of Dr. Robb Kelly Here:
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