Adam Eisenberg served as an infantryman with Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry (The Old Guard) between September 11th - 30th, 2001, assisting in the security and cleanup efforts at the Pentagon. Adam's professional working experience with aeronautical parts led him to discover some shocking anomalies between his first-responder experience and the official governmental narrative, both before and after the attack. This inspired deeper research and investigation into what he's now formally calling, The Orion Project. Adam is now here to report on what he's uncovered and intends to prompt a new investigation to finally hold the guilty parties of September 11th accountable.
When he's not working on The Orion Project, Adam competes in ultramarathon races in an effort to raise awareness of veteran suicide.
Show Notes:
What would it take for you to question the mainstream narrative of 9/11? What if there was a 9/11 first responder with detailed plane knowledge who says that what he witnessed doesn't add up? Today I welcome former infantryman Adam Eisenberg to the podcast. In this shocking episode, Adam shares first hand experience during his time at the Pentagon on and after 9/11/01, and claims he now has proof that the US government played a role in the crimes of 9/11. Listen to this episode with an open mind and consider the implications if what he's saying is true.
In This Episode, You'll Learn:
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