Episode description
We conclude our two-part conversation with Weaveworks co-founder Alexis Richardson, picking up when the company received Series A investment in December 2014. Since then, they built projects like Scope, Cortex and Flux as well as SaaS offerings based on them. We also look at Alexis’s role in the founding of the CNCF.
Please be sure to listen to the first part before this one!
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- Educational YouTubers:
- Infrastructure for Entertainment by Justin Garrison at KubeCon NA 2020
- Episode 20, with Justin Garrison
- Kubernetes 1.21
- PodSecurityPolicy deprecation
- KubeVela 1.0
- Argo Workflows 3.0 and Argo CD 2.0
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- Tanzu Cloud Native Runtimes public beta
- New security offerings from Tanzu
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- Tetrate Service Bridge is also GA
- Updates to Azure Arc enabled Kubernetes and OpenServiceMesh add-on for Azure in Preview
- etcd project journey report published
- Single sign-on guide for Kubernetes by Ben Dixon
- Apache Mesos moving to the Attic
- Last week’s episode
- Weaveworks
- Weaveworks takes a $5m Series A round
- Weave Scope and its annoucement
- Cortex
- Flux CD and its announcement as a service routing layer
- Weave Cloud
- Docker Swarm Mode
- kubernetes-anywhere
- kubeadm
- Launching eksctl
- The August 2017 post introducing GitOps
- Kelsey Hightower talk at GitOpsDays
- Guide to GitOps
- Steam engine centrifugal governor
- Flux joins the CNCF
- Flagger
- Announcement about Argo and Flux joining forces
- Weaveworks is a founding member of the CNCF
- Alexis elected as TOC chair
- Battlestar Galactica
- Weave Kubernetes Platform
- Series C funding
- Alexis Richardson on Twitter