Balint Varkuti is the CEO of CereGate which unlocks new capabilities for existing neuromodulation technologies using software.
Top 3 Takeaways:
"With hardware, you sometimes have simply the disadvantage that you are married to the time point when you started. So if you started a long time ago, you started with that technology and you have a whole regulatory documentation that's building on that. So fundamentally pivoting in hardware down the road almost becomes impossible."
0:45 Do you want to introduce yourself?
3:00 What is special about the software that hasn't already been done?
11:30 The brain is plastic and the software is changing so how does it work with these two systems fighting?
13:30 How can this approach be used to treat Parkinson symptoms such as Freezing of Gait ?"
14:15 Can you read braille?
15:30 "How fast does a patient learn to use this?"
19:00 " How can a company work with you?"
21:15 You guys have been in stealth mode for 4 years, why did it take 4 years and do you have any success stories so far?
23:45 "Do you wanna talk about the regulatory pathway and how it was how to do a software versus a hardware solution?"
27:00 How did your background in behavioral sciences shape your outlook to the company?
30:15 You didn't mention coding in your background, can you talk about starting a software company without much coding experience?
31:30 You have 25 people involved in the company but doesn't seem that you have raised much money, why such a big team?
35:15 "What does the next four years look like? What's on your horizon?"
37:00 "Is there anything that we didn't talk about that you wanted to mention?"