Israel Gasperin is the founder and CEO of Zentrela which uses wearable EEG caps to quantitatively measure cannabis experiences.
Top 3 Takeaways:
"Based on this neuroscience-driven research proving the onset time of the beverage, within two weeks [the company] increased their sales by 7% and they achieved record volume cells after. So what we did, or they did, was to educate the retailers to speak about their product based on this scientific publication, rather than, providing their subjective opinion"
0:45 Do you want to describe yourself better than I just did?
1:00 "We're talking about marijuana, we're talking about getting high. What are you measuring or what's the reasoning behind this?"
11:00 " You're saying that you can tell if people are high or not. What kind of confidence do you have and, what shows up in high people's brains?"
14:15 Do you want to talk about one of your success stories working with a company?
22:45 "How many people have you had come through your labs and run through your system?"
24:00 "Of the 20,000 sessions, how many are yours?"
27:45 "You've been working on this for six years. What do the next six years look like?"
32:15 "What are some challenges?"
35:45 "Is there anything that we didn't cover that you wanted to mention?"