Vailiki Giagka is an Assistant Professor at TU Delft and Research Group Leader at Fraunhofer IZM in Berlin where she conducts research on the design and fabrication of active neural interfaces.
***This podcast is sponsored by Ripple Neuro, check out their Neuroscience Research Tools here***
Top 3 Takeaways:
0:30 "How do you work in Berlin and the Hague in the Netherlands at the same time?
2:30 "Why especially neural device packaging?"
5:15 "What's the size of your guys' device or packing?"
7:15 "Do you want to, do you wanna describe the neural implant network mesh a little bit more and how does it work and why is it necessary?"
9:15 Sponsorship by Ripple Neuro
9:45 "So let's talk about maybe conformal coatings. What is it, how does it work? Why is it necessary?"
19:00 "So what are some rough numbers, is one method better than the other, and then how many years of simulated life can one survive versus the other?"
21:45 "So how do we test it? How do we do the accelerated testing to be able to simulate a human lifespan?"
25:00 "So now you also work on the wireless power delivery, wireless transmission. How is this, how does this work? Why is this important?"
31:00 "Neurons fire with electrical signals and you're using ultrasound. So how does that work? Why is it able to work?"
32:00 "How does the power usage compare with electrical or ultrasound cuffs?"
33:30 "Let's talk about your graphene work."
37:30 "These three areas that you're working on, these all seem like very good candidates for, a spinoff company or some kind of, patents. Have you thought about this?"
42:00 "If you had unlimited funding, what would you do?"
43:45 "Is there anything that we didn't talk about that you wanted to mention?"