Colin Kealey is the President and CEO of NeuroSigma which is commercializing the Monarch eTNS System, the first non-drug treatment for pediatric ADHD cleared by the FDA.
Top 3 Takeaways:
0:45 "Do you want to introduce yourself better than I just did?"
7:15 What is the efficacy of your device?
8:45 "What are some typical side effects of pharmaceutical ADHD treatments and what are some typical side effects of your guys' treatment?"
16:45 That was the pharmaceutical side effects, how about the neurostimulator side effects?
20:00 How does it work sleeping with a wired system?
21:45 "Were you guys able to cross-reference with any other sleep metrics to see if the quality of sleep diminished or maybe even increased?"
24:30 What's the protocol for using this device?
26:30 Could adults use this also?
28:30 Will college students use this as a study aid?
29:30 "What does your funding look like?"
35:15 How will you prevent Chinese knockoffs?
38:30 " Is there anything that we didn't talk about that you wanted to mention?"