We’re all experiencing massive change in one way or another these days. With the pandemic behind us, creative professionals have shared they’re either supercharged and ready for the next big thing, or they’re at the other end of it and feeling burnout. Regardless where we’re at there are ways to support our daily workflow, mindset and health.
You may remember that I’ve had Todd Henry on before. He’s the creator for creators and genuinely shares so much wisdom with us on how to create longevity as a creative professional.
Todd’s written five books and his latest book Daily Creative, a Practical Guide for Staying Prolific, Brilliant and Healthycomes in seemingly perfect timing. The daily prompts are the simplicity and sustainability we all need as we get into our new rhythms.
Todd’s podcast called The Accidental Creative offers weekly tips for how to stay prolific, brilliant, and healthy. It’s those three things that are a huge part of what Todd and I explore on this episode, as we dive deep into the topic of human creative potential and how good infrastructure supports this.
We cover key aspects in regards to being prolific, brilliant and healthy and Todd shares with us directly what this all means. Here are some of the highlights from our conversation: