This my guest is Penny Ferguson, Founder and CEO of The Living Leader:
LinkedIn Profile:
The Living Leader website:
Penny started her true leadership journey at the age of 50 when she became utterly disillusioned with all management training that she had been involved in. She couldn’t understand why so many attended programmes and forgot the impact and supposedly learned behaviours within six weeks. She believed there had to be a different way, especially as she realised that most training was more about management and not leadership.
Based on her life experiences, she created her own programme and, on her journey learnt more and more about leadership and how utterly critical is to every part of life – as a boss, a colleague, a friend and, as the most vital leadership role, as a parent.
She has become a leading expert on personal leadership and now well over 65,000 people have attended her 3-day programme with escalating numbers now joining her 10-week virtual programme. She changes lives!