My guest this week is Major Charlotte Hayes.
Charlotte is an Army Major, serving in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) division.
In March 2021, Charlotte posted a photo of herself on LinkedIn, in full uniform stating “I am a Leader. I am an Army Officer. I am a Chartered Engineer.” Referring to the need to stop using gender pro-nouns which delineate between the capabilities of men and women. Around 1.5 million views, over 30,000 reactions and 1,500 comments later; I think it’s safe to say that Charlotte’s message clearly resonated and evoked a positive response.
It’s that example of strong, authentic and vulnerable leadership that prompted me to ask Charlotte if she would be a guest on my podcast, to talk me through the experiences that had led to that post; but also her experiences of leadership in the Army, as well as what we could all learn from them.
So, less talk from me, as I welcome Charlotte to the show.