Welcome back!
(If you prefer to read the podcast as an article, you can find it here!)
Now that you've learned all you can about getting started with house sitting, we thought we could share our favorite house sitting websites. These might not be the best, but these are the ones we've had the most luck with, or the most pleasant interactions with homeowners through.
Like always, we hope you enjoy!
Nathaniel and Darcy
Here are some links to the mentioned websites! If you use an affiliate link, we'll make a little money.
Trusted House Sitters: Affiliate Link | Non-Affiliate Link
Nomador: Non-Affiliate Link
MindMyHouse: Non-Affiliate Link
House Sitters UK: Affiliate Link | Non-Affiliate Link
House Sitters America: Affiliate Link | Non-Affiliate Link
House Sitters Australia: Affiliate Link | Non-Affiliate Link
(These are not the best house sitting websites in the world, only the ones we like.)
Our website: Only A Bag
Instagram Page: Only_a_bag
Medium: @Nathanielmellor