Learn how to handle perfectionism with my free workshop: NoMorePerfectionism.com
Sometimes our desire to do well at our vocations turns into a desire for perfectionism which leaves us discouraged and defeated. Bethany gives us the truth straight: perfectionism is idolatry we must repent of and replace with worship of our Creator. You're not going to do yourself any favors if you cling to idols. Perfectionism leads us into pride and a critical spirit and all manner of other sins. It is not the same thing as a high standard or a love of excellence - both of which must remain submitted to God's Word.
Bethany Barendregt is wife to Alex and mama to their five kids ages 6-14. She works from home as founder/creative director for Women Encouraged and hosts their podcast, and occasionally helps as a substitute teacher at her kids’ Classical Christian school. She currently serves at her local church in women’s ministry, planning and leading Bible studies and keeping women connected in God’s word through various means. Bethany is passionate about Bible literacy and enjoys writing and speaking to share hope for everyday life, but she would love nothing more than to sit down for a cup of coffee with you and talk about how the gospel changes everything.
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Women are the backbone of society, so we must be free from cultural lies & personal guilt and have the freedom of good habits and self-control so we can build God-honoring families and communities.
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