On the third episode of the second season of the 365 Albums of 2021 host @tempiwmf and @hiddanas gather to renew their mission of listening to, on average, one album per day for the entirety of 2021. For the first time in show history we have a guest. @illbedanged joins us to discuss his chosen theme of Metal!!!
We discuss what makes metal different from other forms of rock, we do a bit of gate keeping when discussing bands who masquerade as metal bands, and we discuss our personal history with metal. @illbedanged is also tested to see which bands he believes are metal and which are posers. Lastly we talk about our concert experiences including our worst, our favorite, and the artist we wished we had gotten to see.
Additionally, using our theme of the week, we build a festival in our concert question segment. We pick out venue, our title, and then we build our show. Lastly, we go through our normal closing questions where we list our top 5 albums of the week.
Next Week's Challenge: Songs We Sing When We're Alone