On the fifteenth episode of the Getting Ranked 366 Albums of 2020 host @tempiwmf and @hiddanas gather to discuss our week of music. On this episode we reveal our theme listens of the week (Theme: High School Reunion).
We jump in our time machines to relive the musical high and low lights of our High School days. We look at the artist who came and went like flashes in the pan. We look at the artist who stuck with us & their hits. We also reconsider some of the musical decision we made in our youth.
Per usual we'll finish the show with our weekly questions, our concert questions, and then our top 5 albums for the week.
A little something for everyone as the host from the Brother to Brother podcast continue their journey to 366 albums and beyond.
Weekly Questions:
Concert Question (new segment): We each pick a band from the artist we listened to this week to see who fills the 4 concert slots. If at all.
Next Week's Challenge:
Artist We Might Be Wrong About