Episode description
Cultural contamination (Memory Alpha)
PRO 1×13 All the World's a Stage (Memory Alpha)
David Garrovick (Memory Alpha)
TOS 2×18 Obsession (Memory Alpha)
PRO 1×14 Crossroads (Memory Alpha)
TNG 2×04 The Outrageous Okona (Memory Alpha)
TOS 2×20 A Piece of the Action (Memory Alpha)
ENT 2×20 Horizon (Memory Alpha)
ENT 2×08 The Communicator (Memory Alpha)
Star Trek: Year Five #3 (League of Comic Geeks)
VOY 3×05 False Profits (Memory Alpha)
TNG 3×08 The Price (Memory Alpha)
Remembering Leslie Jordan: A Lifetime of Laughter & Loving Service (Matt Baume, YouTube)