Kev and Rob beat around the bush a bit before discussing some of the brights spots in "Star Trek: Section 31", which was otherwise a not very good Star Trek movie. They take the opportunity to discuss moles – what does or does not quality as a mole – and revisit some Deep Space Nine highlights including the abduction and replacement of Julian Bashir, "Homefront" (DS9) and "Paradise Lost" (DS9), and "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" (DS9).
DIS 3×09 Terra Firma, Part 1
DIS 3×10 Terra Firma, Part 2
TNG 3×15 Yesterday’s Enterprise
DIS 1×02 Battle at the Binary Stars
TNG 6×11 Chain of Command, Part II
TNG 1×21 The Arsenal of Freedom
TOS 1×28 The City on the Edge of Forever
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
DS9 5×10 Rapture
DS9 5×11 The Darkness and the Light
DS9 5×12 The Begotten
DS9 5×13 For the Uniform
DS9 5×14 In Purgatory’s Shadow
DS9 4×11 Homefront / DS9 4×12 Paradise Lost
DS9 7×16 Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
DS9 6×19 In the Pale Moonlight