Kev & Rob find a lot to talk about in "Surrender", an episode where relatively little happened. Vadic's sudden decision to phaser a member of the bridge crew whose name we hadn't even heard before leads them to contemplate other times background characters made the ultimate sacrifice and made an impression (or didn't) in the process. From Voyager they discuss Hogan ("Basics, Part II"), Pete Durst ("Faces"), and Joe Carey ("Friendship One"). Then they bemoan the wasted opportunity of that was Discovery's Airiam ("Project Daedalus").
PIC 3×08 Surrender
Minor Character Deaths
SR 1: The Red Shirt Problem
VOY 3×01 Basics, Part II
VOY 3×23 Distant Origin
VOY 1×13 Cathexis
VOY 1×14 Faces
VOY 7×24 Friendship One
DIS 2×09 Project Daedalus