Rob & Kev agree that "Seventeen Seconds" was an episode written specifically for Rob, thanks to its loving embrace of Deep Space Nine as a core contributor to Star Trek history. Speaking of history, they take the opportunity of Worf's return to our screens to reflect on the journey of everyone's favourite son of Mogh. They touch on Redemption (TNG), Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places (DS9), Parallels (TNG), and Tacking Into the Wind (DS9).
PIC 3×03 Seventeen Seconds
TNG 4×20 Qpid
TNG 4×26 Redemption
DS9 5×03 Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places
Subspace Radio #8: Sex in Star Trek
TNG 7×24 Parallels
TNG 4×05 Remember Me
DS9 2×08 Necessary Evil
DS9 7×22 Tacking Into the Wind
DS9 4×01 The Way of the Warrior