Bret is joined by the co-creators of the Argo project and co-founders of Akuity - Hong Wang and Jesse Suen - to discuss the state of Argo and their new Akuity offering for Argo CD in the Cloud.
Chances are, you've heard of one or more of the Argo projects. They include Argo Workflows, Argo CD, Argo Events, and Argo roll-outs. Argo is one of those Kubernetes projects that is so common for teams to choose that it's nearly an assumption that every team is using one of their tools in a cluster or two.
Hong Wang and Jessie Suen helped co-create the Argo project years back at Intuit and have now co-founded a growing startup called Akuity. The company is focusing on making the Argo products better and creating SaaS offerings for the Argo tools. In this episode, we get a perspective on where the Argo tools came from and what the team behind it is doing. Streamed live on YouTube on May 26, 2022.
Unedited live recording of this show on YouTube (Ep #171).
Argo CD homepage
Akuity homepage
Akuity news on more funding
Argo CD in the cloud
ArgoCon in September
Declarative setup of Argo CD
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Jesse Suen
Hong Wang
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