Episode description
Planning is key to the success of any business. But how do you actually put a good plan in place? Today’s guest, Tim Meinhardt, is an expert on a goal-setting management system: OKRs. It stands for Objectives and Key Results. It’s something that I’ve implemented in the past, and I can’t wait to find out what you can do today.
Tim leads a team of OKR experts at Atruity. They provide OKR Consulting to numerous organisations ranging from publicly traded companies to start ups. Through their proven methodology and numerous OKR Programs, they ensure effective implementation and management of OKR journeys.
In this discussion we explore how OKRs have been helping businesses thrive during the pandemic. Tune in as we discuss why plans fail, striving for simplicity, remote working trends and business epiphany moments. This year is giving us the opportunity to reset, so let's start implementing some OKR strategies.
Atruity1.com: https://atruity1.com/
‘Measure What Matters’ by John Doerr: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Measure-What-Matters-Simple-Drives/dp/024134848X/r
The UN’s 17 Goals: https://sdgs.un.org/goals
‘Radical Focus’ by Christina Wodtke: https://www.amazon.com/Radical-Focus-Achieving-Important-Objectives-ebook/dp/B01BFKJA0Y
OKRs Q&A Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/okrs-q-a/id1526358254
‘The Service Profit Chain’ by James L. Heskett, W. Earl Sasser, Leonard Schlesinger: https://www.amazon.com/Service-Profit-Chain-James-Heskett/dp/0684832569
Atruity’s resources: https://atruity1.com/resources/
‘Good To Great’ by Jim Collins: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Good-Great-Jim-Collins/dp/0712676090/
Ep. 1: Going from Manager to Leader using OKRs | Leif Ulstrup: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1-going-from-manager-to-leader-using-okrs-leif-ulstrup/id1526358254?i=1000487106945
#60 Join The Dots with Martin Johnson, Founder of YourBigPic: https://hospitality-mavericks.captivate.fm/episode/60-join-the-dots-with-martin-johnson
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