Episode description
Ari Weinzweig is a true maverick when it comes to leadership and sticking to a vision. He believes in the need to build a business that not only achieves great business results but also makes a significant positive impact on your people, community and our planet.
Ari is the Co-Founder of Zingerman's Delicatessen, which is a nationally renowned food icon. Zingerman’s Community of Businesses has grown to 10 businesses with over 750 employees and over $55 million in annual revenue. Over the years, Ari has written a range of books and pamphlets including Zingerman’s Guide to Good Leading, and many other great books and pamphlets you can find via their website.
With a 2032 vision already in place, Ari has crafted the power of self-leadership and detailed missions. Join our conversation as we discuss how to better manage yourself, the art of visioning, teaching systems design, the power of language, and how to have a healthy relationship with time.
‘Small Giants’ by Bo Burlingham: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Small-Giants-Companies-Choose-Instead/dp/1591841496
ZingTrain pamphlets: https://shop.zingtrain.com/collections/pamphlets
‘The Choice’ by Edith Eger: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Choice-true-story-hope/dp/1846045126/
‘Man’s Search For Meaning’ by Viktor Frankl: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mans-Search-Meaning-classic-Holocaust/dp/1844132390/
John O'Donohue: https://www.amazon.co.uk/John-ODonohue/e/B001H6N9TK
Peter Koestenbaum: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Peter-Koestenbaum/e/B000APFMYY
‘All About Love: New Visions’ by Bell Hooks: https://www.amazon.co.uk/All-About-Love-Visions-Paperback/dp/0060959479
‘The Artist's Way’ by Julia Cameron: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Artists-Way-Spiritual-Higher-Creativity/dp/1788164296/
‘If You Want to Write’ by Brenda Ueland: https://www.amazon.co.uk/If-You-Want-Write-Independence/dp/9650060286/
‘How Not To Be Afraid’ by Gareth Higgins: https://www.amazon.co.uk/How-Not-Afraid-Everything-Terrifying/dp/178622318X/
‘To Make Our World Anew’ by Robin Kelley: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Make-Our-World-Anew-Americans/dp/0195139453
#62 Leading with radical acceptance with Dr Vikki Barnes: