If you're curious about the state of natural resources in today's market, this episode is for you. Our guest Adam Rozencwajg shares his insights on a wide range of topics when it comes to the global commodity markets. Discover why oil is struggling to surpass $80 despite the OIL Put, OPEC's surprise production cuts, and China's reopening. We also explore why US and European Nat Gas prices have yet to converge, and the outlook for Gold as it sits close to all-time highs. Finally, we discuss the future of base metals and what we can expect in the coming months. Don't miss out on this engaging episode!
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Episode TimeStamps:
02:37 - What has happened since our previous conversation?
06:03 - Making sense of the oil market
10:44 - Signs of a put on the oil market
16:38 - The situation with natural gas
25:13 - Has the gas situation been improved?
32:42 - Nuclear energy - is it a viable solution?
46:51 - The outlook for gold
52:51 - The mechanisms of the capital cycles
01:00:45 - The state of metals
01:04:18 - A metal crisis?
01:06:24 - Centralised commodities and rare earths
01:09:53 - Investing in rare earths
01:12:52 - Considerations for owning gold