Along with Katy Kaminski, we discuss how the current disruptions in the economy and markets cause a change in investors’ behaviour. We dive deep into the interconnection between inflation, bonds and volatility and we discuss how to build a portfolio that performs well in economic downturns. We also discuss the difference between a crisis versus a correction and the evolution when it comes to "model speed" within the CTA industry, the importance of sticking to the process in times of uncertainty and much more.
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Episode TimeStamps:
00:47 - What has been on our radar recently?
02:15 - Have investors internalized the new Divergent economies and policies?
05:37 - Are investors mistaking convergence for divergence and vice versa?
08:57 - Industry performance update
17:19 - Connecting the dots
23:35 - Bonds - Why are they Behaving Badly?
27:59 - Conditional return distribution - what and why?
30:04 - Alternative markets and the 60/40 struggle
35:29 - The role of crisis alpha and a discussion on speed
42:42 - Thoughts on carry in the CTA industry
47:29 - Did the VIX really hit 65?
55:34 - Sticking to the process
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