Mark Rzepczynski joins us in today’s episode to discuss inflation and how it threatens the economy, the power and paranoia of Trend Following and how you make the most money as a Trend Follower, what history tells us about common risks and diversification, portfolio construction and whether having more markets gives you better returns, the timing of Trend Following and why you need to have it as a core allocation, how to build the optimal portfolio and why bonds currently may not warrent an allocation, Sci-Fi vs. Fin-Fi and how the FED being behind the curve affects Trend Following, why bond vigilantes are back and much more.
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And you can get a free copy of my latest book “Ten Reasons to Add Trend Following to Your Portfolio” here.
Learn more about the Trend Barometer here.
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Episode TimeStamps:
00:00 - Intro
04:15 - Inflation
09:09 - Trend Following update
13:00 - Trends trends trends
28:49 - Portfolio construction
42:50 - Timing of Trend Following
49:12 - The Optimal Portfolio
55:12 - Sci-Fi vs. Fin-Fi
01:04:16 - China and future growth
01:06:07 - Overview of performance
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PLUS: Whenever you're ready... here are 3 ways I can help you in your investment Journey:
1. eBooks that cover key topics that you need to know about
In my eBooks, I put together some key discoveries and things I have learnt during the more than 3 decades I have worked in the Trend Following industry, which I hope you will find useful.