Join us for an enlightening conversation with Cem Karsan, where we dive deep into the state of the volatility markets and the risks that come with the current low volatility environment. We explore the lagging effects of FED actions and their impact on the markets, as well as the potential impact of inflation, the upcoming US election season, and the current US debt ceiling situation. Get ready for a thought-provoking discussion on the current state of the markets and the challenges facing investors today.
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Episode TimeStamps:
03:08 - The big picture macro view
08:27 - Fed selling Puts and Calls
12:54 - The lag effect
20:31 - The impact of change in demographics
29:49 - The state of the markets - Recession inbound?
38:47 - Sticky CPI - What is causing it?
46:12 - Is the FED causing uneccesary downturn?
49:41 - Are we looking at the right Asset Class?
52:26 - Is the equity rally about to end?
54:24 - The Unpinning of Volatility
57:40 - The coming Explosion of Volatility
01:01:44 - Thanks for listening
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