Welcome to the 50th Episode of the podcast! In today's episode I'm going to be talking about the importance of habits and in particular the importance of having the right of money making habits.
A habit is a behaviour that has been performed enough times it becomes automatic. Automatic behaviours can be helpful, but they can also be unhelpful and this is what I talk about in this week’s episode.
Join me as I discuss the importance of mastering money-making habits in order to have a more healthy relationship with money.
Make sure you tune in to get all the details for an exciting and free training just for you!
Key Takeaways
A habit is a behaviour that has been performed enough times it becomes automatic. Some automatic behaviours can be helpful, but they can also be unhelpful.
When it comes to your relationship with money and your money-making habits, are you aware of which ones are serving you and which ones are not?
You can create the right money making habits and achieve your financial goals. It all starts with understanding what you need to do and taking the necessary actions. And the right intentional action.
Making money isn’t about luck – it’s about developing the right habits.Money making habits, don’t just refer to the finance side of your business, but also to the actions that create, or don’t create the income in the first place.
Start with having the self-awareness of what bad habits don’t serve you or what old habits no longer serve you. It’s actually the key to understanding how these are impacting your bottom line and what intentional action you need to take to change them.
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