An early Quarrymen gig, a BBC audition, and the band’s last appearance on Ready, Steady, Go! are among the highlights of this episode of What A Fab Day, the podcast telling you the day by day story of the Beatles. Today, we focus on what happened to the Fab Four on the 23rd of November.
0:00 - Introduction.
0:30 - In 1957, the Quarrymen are live at the New Clubmoor Hall in Liverpool.
1:00 - In 1960, the remaining Beatles continue their residency in Hamburg.
1:29 - In 1961, the Beatles play the Cavern Club in Liverpool.
1:50 - In 1962, the Beatles have a 10 minute audition for the BBC.
3:23 - The Fabs take part to the Lancashire and Cheshire Arts Ball.
3:44 - In 1963, the Beatles perform at the City Hall in Newcastle.
3:55 - In 1964, the Beatles film an appearance for Ready, Steady, Go!
4:23 - In 1965, the Beatles film promo clips for thier releases.
6:10 - In 1967, Malcom Davies and George Harrison are at work in Abbey Road.
7:23 - Conclusion.
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Thanks to Alessandro d’Amito, Chiara Colafemmina, Daniele Monterisi, Fabio Ingegno, and Mariella Tarantino.