In this episode I share my recent personal experience with a no-show clients, and I talk about the urgency of your self-value when interacting with clients and businesses. It's important to recognize and believe in your value both as a professional and as a person, and to conduct your photography business and anything else in your life accordingly.
This episode is as behind the scenes as it gets because your success depends more on how you value and respect yourself before others do. People treat you the way you treat yourself! That's the take away from this episode.
Listen and Learn!
Questions or Comments? Reach out at and I'll be in touch* directly or address your comment on the podcast.
*By submitting a question or statement, you agree that your submission can be discussed publicly on the podcast, website, or other platforms owned by or affiliated with CluedUpBTS and its parent company, HeadshotNJ, and affiliate company Maria B Photography Studio. while retaining your anonymity.